Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lincoln County, OK intruder shot in self defense by homeowner

A Lincoln County, Oklahoma homeowner reportedly used her shotgun to stop a drunk and violent intruder.
Police say that the woman awoke early Friday to hear her dog barking and an intoxicated man attempting to break in to her home. The homeowner reportedly called police, and grabbed her 16 gauge shotgun. While on the phone with 911, the home invader is said to have repeatedly tried to enter, despite the woman's warnings to say out. The intruder lobbed a chair through a window to gain entry to the home, at which point the homeowner fired one shot in self defense, fatally wounding the intruder and saving herself. The home invader has reportedly been identified as Billy Dean Riley, and Riley's wrecked car was reportedly found near the woman's home. Inside the car was Riley's sister, who was highly intoxicated and taken to the hospital, according to police.

Link to complete story.


  1. Fox News has reported on this one. Amazing story, good one for the 911 dispatcher as well.

  2. I just did a quick search on CNN and I'm not seeing it there. I don't pay attention to them, so I'm not positive though. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't report it.
